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Central Integrated Primary School, Thomas Street, Carrickfergus


What is an Integrated School?

An integrated school differs from other schools by purposefully bringing together children from the two main religious traditions in Northern Ireland. At Central Integrated Primary School, we welcome children from different social, cultural and faith backgrounds and those with no religion. We educate all children together.

The integrated experience enables every child to play and learn side by side regardless of their ability or background. We help equip our pupils to be open-minded and enable them to become respectful young people and adults prepared for their future in an increasingly diverse society. 

Being educated together allows our children to learn with, from and about each other. We help our children to develop an understanding of, respect for, and an acceptance of each other's differences.  

The Principles of Integrated Education

Here in Central Integrated Primary School, we are deeply committed to the four principles of Integrated Education which are the cornerstones of the integrated ethos.


The integrated school promotes equality in sharing between and within the diverse groups that compose the school community. This occurs structurally at every level amongst pupils, staff and the board of governors, as well as culturally within the overt and hidden curricula of the school.

Faith & Values

The integrated school provides a Christian based rather than a secular approach. It aspires to create an environment where those of all faiths and none are respected, acknowledged and accepted as valued members of the school community.

Parental Involvement

The support and commitment of parents is a fundamental element of Integrated Education and historically, parents have been central to the development of integrated schools.

Social Responsibility

The integrated school delivers the curriculum on an all-ability and inclusive basis to all of its pupils. It respects the uniqueness of every pupil and acknowledges his/her entitlement to personal, social, intellectual and spiritual development in the attainment of individual potential.


Anti-Bias Approach to Education
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.