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Central Integrated Primary School, Thomas Street, Carrickfergus


20th Sep 2024
Primary 4 have started their new topic this year of ‘The Story of Chocolate’....
20th Sep 2024
P2 had a lovely time on our walk to Shaftesbury Park. We used our listening ears...
18th Sep 2024
We have loved getting out in the sun this week. We have been practicing how to balance...
17th Sep 2024
We have loved having Sarah from the EA Nurture Advisory Service teach us about Nurture...
17th Sep 2024
Primary 5 have been exploring rounding in numeracy and shapes in topic maths. We...
11th Sep 2024
Our entire school came out to vote for our new Primary 7 House captains.  Well...
10th Sep 2024
P1 had a great time exploring our outdoor learning areas! We had a go at lots of...
4th Sep 2024
Our first topic this year in P3 is 'Home Sweet Home'. We've been getting outside...
4th Sep 2024
In our first week of school, we've been getting to know each other a little bit better...