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Central Integrated Primary School, Thomas Street, Carrickfergus

Outdoor Learning


In Central Integrated PS, we believe in taking our learning outdoors whenever possible. This learning could be any area of the curriculum. Going outside does not always have to be about nature studies or physical education but can complement any lesson; literacy, numeracy, STEM and even ICT topics. We believe it encourages better problem solving, critical thinking, inquiry skills and self-management in our pupils.

Whether they are counting bugs, looking for shapes and angles, matching colours, seeking inspiration for art, investigating environmental issues, or just going for a walk to stimulate a literacy task, the outdoor environment provides endless inspiration.

Going outside not only enhances our pupils’ learning and reinforce their classroom work but it also complements our Eco-Schools work.

Going outside for teaching is a good idea for 3 main reasons:

  • Learning - enhances cognition, enquiry skills and personal development.
  • Environment - increases knowledge and personal connection to nature.
  • Health - benefits mental health and physical literacy.

Forest Schools

We are an accredited Forest School with trained staff. Our pupils love to go to Shaftesbury Park to take part in Forest School’s activities. Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all pupils, fostering resilient, confident, and creative learners. Forest School offers our children the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

Play Equipment

Over the last few years, we have been able to purchase new play equipment for our KS2 children and for our KS1 and FS pupils. Our play equipment is designed to strengthen muscles and bones, develop balance and motor skills and provide enjoyment for our pupils at the same time.